Snapshot of Publishing in North America

Author CaptionI’ve been curious to learn how the publishing world has been coping since the pandemic began. It doesn’t seem sufficient to say, “probably not well”, but a recent survey by the Authors Guild answered some of my questions.

Only 940 authors responded to the survey and, as you can imagine, many have seen their incomes drop, mainly by the loss of speaking/performance engagements. The drop wasn’t as high a percentage as I’d assumed it would be. In fact, about 45% of respondents said their income hadn’t changed very much.

Not surprising, although disheartening, is that 52 respondents had their book contracts and/or royalty payments delayed. Most authors with books about to be released are understandably worried about lower sales, yet just over half of them are not doing more marketing than usual. Unfortunately, the survey didn’t indicate why this is so and I’m not sure the question was even asked. You can read the full version HERE.

For my American friends, the survey also includes a link to details about economic relief for authors. It’s important to note that a number of surveyed authors couldn’t work right now because of their own health issues or the health of a family member. You can learn more about the economic relief HERE.

Here in Canada, Prime Minister Trudeau announced that he’s earmarked $500 million to assist the arts, sports, and culture sectors. To date, I’ve heard no further details on who will quality for aid or how the money will be dispersed, but you can read what little information there is HERE.

Obviously, this is by no means a complete look at the writing and publishing world, but just a quick snapshot. I wonder how many small and medium Canadian publishing houses will survive after all this is over. You see, almost all of Canadian publishers are government subsidized in some way and have been for decades. It’s the only way small and mid-sized publishers (and possibly some larger ones) in a large country with a relatively small population have survived. Even with grant money, many established publishers still operate on shoestring budgets. But the government is spending an awful lot of money these days to help out many sectors. While the grants and aid money will be there during the pandemic, what happens down the road after the federal government has depleted its rainy day fund? Will grants eventually be cut so the government can begin to replenish again? Time will tell.

On a personal note, the cancellation of four writing events I was to take part in this spring, plus a large craft fair in June that usually results in $600-$700 in print sales will definitely hurt income. Do I expect to be compensated for that? No, and I learned a long time ago not to depend on writing and marketing events as my only income stream. Still, it’s a downer not to get together with colleagues and readers and discuss books and the biz. But opportunities to get together on Zoom etc. are out there, and book marketing means finding new ways to reach readers.

Meanwhile, I figure it’s best to keep working and looking forward to a less restrictive future. I’m doing whatever writing, editing, and promo work I can from home. When the gates open and we all run out of our houses to gather together again, I plan to be ready!

Art on the Vine-5

Author: debrapurdykong

I'm a British Columbia author who's been writing for over 30 years. My volunteer experiences, criminology diploma, and security work inspired me to write the Casey Holland transit security novels set in Metro Vancouver. I'm also a part-time facilitator in Creative Writing Workshops through Port Moody's Recreation program. Feel free to contact me at

10 thoughts on “Snapshot of Publishing in North America”

  1. What jumped out at me on this post was YOU! A real pleasure to see you relaxed, looks like a winery setting (could be the Okanagan?) and all the different titles you wrote and have ready to sign and sell. Wonderful smile Debra !


  2. Awe, thanks! That photo was taken at one of my favourite events at the TownShip7 Winery here in Langley. Both the Langley and Naramata sites are big on hosting a variety of events. The Langley folks hold an Art on the Vines event twice every summer. We drink wine, listen to live music, and all the artisans sell their products. It’s great fun. I’m hoping they’ll be going ahead this year, but I’ll have to wait and see.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m such a home body, I haven’t seen much change in my daily life. Well, my hair is a mess. Luckily, the US gtave almost everyone (with some groups excepted) a large one-time sum which definitely helps. And also luckily, my book won’t be ready until late summer! Hope you’re OK, Debra. Love the picture of your sunny and bright table.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My publisher will delay some book releases and concentrate on digital books at this time. It is the bookstores I feel for as many only just make it without being closed for months. Like you, I don’t rely on my book sales. to survive on. Love the picture!!

    Liked by 1 person

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