Beginnings and Endings This Spring

Two days ago, I finished the edits of my urban fantasy, tentatively titled, When Darkness Draws Near. I’ve been working on that book for so long (since before Covid) that it feels surreal. As I mentioned last time, there will be more changes down the road, but for now it’s ready to submit to agents and editors.

I wrote a query letter and synopsis last year, which has been critiqued by numerous people. I’m going over them again and researching the list of potential agents I’ve compiled over the past two years. The work never stops, does it?

Also, on Tuesday, I finished my volunteer work with the organizing committee for this year’s Bookfest 2024. It was a pleasure to work with such a professional and organized group of volunteers. The festival was great fun and I had a blast catching up with folks I hadn’t seen in months. There’s nothing better than being part of an event in your own community, where so many people know you.

I’m now switching gears and doing more activities with the literary society in my area. I was asked to be on the board last fall, and their festival is coming up in April. Today, I spent two and a half hours putting up posters in our community and there’ll be more volunteering next week. As the new kid on the block, I look forward to meeting many people.

Two weeks ago, we were babysitting our sick grandkids and as a consequence my spouse and I came down with colds. All is well now and I’m looking forward to hosting our Easter dinner on Sunday. We’ll do an Easter egg hunt inside the house, which will be the girls’ first experience. I’ll take photos 😊

We’ve gotten into the habit of walking nearly every day. The photos are just a sample of the sites we often see only minutes from our house. Tree blossoms line the street on one side of the shopping complex we frequent. The slough and the ducks are on the other side. As the weather improves, I’ll take more photos of life in beautiful Delta.

Meanwhile, to those who celebrate, a very Happy Easter, and I wish all of you a peaceful long weekend, however you celebrate.

Author: debrapurdykong

I'm a British Columbia author who's been writing for over 30 years. My volunteer experiences, criminology diploma, and security work inspired me to write the Casey Holland transit security novels set in Metro Vancouver. I'm also a part-time facilitator in Creative Writing Workshops through Port Moody's Recreation program. Feel free to contact me at

13 thoughts on “Beginnings and Endings This Spring”

  1. What a lot of exciting news, Debra. Congratulations on reaching this milestone with your book, and bravo for all your volunteer activity. It’s terrific that you’ve developed a daily walking routine, and there’s no more beautiful place to be walking in! Happy spring!! 😊🌷

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  2. I love your wonderful news, Debra! Best wishes on your query letters and finding an agent! Your Bookfest 2024 volunteer work sounds exciting. I’ll volunteer at the Willamette Writers Conference also.

    It’s wonderful to get on a regular walking routine. The blossoms are beautiful in your area.

    Since 2014, I’ve attended a program in California for the retired and semi-retired folks called Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, OLLI. It’s a national program held at universities in different states. The OLLI in University of Oregon meets at three locations and has about 500 members and one meeting location is very close to my new home. This location is about one year old. I may be involved in the administrative and planning espect of the program as well as leading a writing workshop. I’m very excited.

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    1. That’s great, Miriam. It’s really fun and rewarding to be involved with a community of people who enjoy reading and writing. I’ll be interested to read about your experiences in the future.

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