New Ideas, More Time, So Why Not?

I know that many writers have registered for November’s NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and are diligently working on their stories, pushing themselves to achieve their 50,000 word goal by the end of the month. I’m always so impressed with those who take on this challenge.

I’ve never registered for this annual event, not only because of my day job but because I usually spend every weekend in November selling my books at Christmas craft fairs. But I’m retired now and this year the craft fairs have either been cancelled or moved online. I should have registered for NaNoWriMo but online courses and reading print books on writing and marketing have swallowed up most of my afternoons. I’ll be finishing up the last book in a few days and have nearly reached the point where I’ll be putting the focus back on writing new work.

I’m really excited about this. I’ve been making notes on two different projects since early summer and it’s time to get going. So, I might well be starting my own version of NaNoWriMo in early December and going straight through till the end of January or longer before I turn the focus back to marketing. That’s the plan anyway. We’ll see what happens, but it feels like a good way to spend these gloomy winter days where socializing is discouraged.

I still intend to take at least one day off a week to visit my granddaughter who’s about a 45-minute drive away, and sure, there’ll be a Christmas tree to put up and gifts to wrap, but all of this gives me something to look forward to these last few weeks of 2020.

How about you? Are you planning any creative, productive, feel-good activities for the rest of the year? Are you taking part in NaNoWriMo and, if so, how’s it going for you?

Author: debrapurdykong

I'm a British Columbia author who's been writing for over 30 years. My volunteer experiences, criminology diploma, and security work inspired me to write the Casey Holland transit security novels set in Metro Vancouver. I'm also a part-time facilitator in Creative Writing Workshops through Port Moody's Recreation program. Feel free to contact me at

19 thoughts on “New Ideas, More Time, So Why Not?”

  1. NaNo doesn’t mean anything to me. I write as much as I can when my muses are speaking. Every month is November. I’m just drafting the last scene in my new novel so I’m celebrating that, and then it’s on to edits and more edits, as you well know. You must really be enjoying this, your first fall, when you can follow your heart and move with the flow (even the non-stop rain;). I’m excited to read your new book!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It really is amazing. I can’t remember when I had such a relaxing November, and kudos to you for finishing another book!! That’s exciting. My urban fantasy’s coming along really well.. I’m getting great feedback from my critique group, which has made me rethink some key things 🙂


  2. I did NaNoWriMo once. It was a great experience for me because I work well under that kind of “obligation” and it made me really do the “bum in seat” thing every day. By doing so I learned a lot about process, and about myself. I don’t have a book-length project in mind at the moment, but when I do I’ll definitely consider scheduling part of it around NaNoWriMo. Have fun with your projects!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I have never considered NaNoWriMo as I don´t like that kind of pressure. But I know many who have done well with it. It looks like you are enjoying your retirement time and using it well. Stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Like you, I’ve never taken part in NaNoWriMo, but I’ve started a new project too. I’m about half way through the research, and will probably have to go up to your old haunt, SFU, to gather the last of the research material I can’t find anywhere else.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good point, Jacqui. I haven’t changed jobs really, but simply ramped up what I was doing before and after the day job. By this time next year, I’ll also be babysitting a lot more, which will be a change!


  5. I think you got your dedication and focus in the right places, Deb! All that research and reading will pay off. It’s so nice you can switch back and forth a bit between marketing and writing.

    I’d love to join NaNoWriMo one year, but, for me, the logistics have to work out. I think it would be hard when living in the road as there are so many distractions and challenges as is. This November, I had zero time. As you know, I’m completing the publication of my travel memoir, Plunge. Thank you again for pre-ordering it, by the way. Happy reading snd wriitng in December!!

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